Women Empowerment
Establishing women agents of change
Peace Building
Stability promotes Investment and Economic Growth
Education Support
SDWA will support vocational Training Centers

What We Do

SDWA overall goal is to create socially, economically, healthily, educationally sound women and girls by providing promotion of gender equality as well as women empowerment programs and a gender mainstreamed short term relief programs and constructive developmental programs both of recovery and building resilience in response to disasters and shocks.

Gender equality and women empowerment

The inequality of women and men due to traditional gender roles and power relations that place women and girls in disadvantaged position relative to men and boys in Somalia is a barrier to the country’s peace building, recovery process from fragility and development.

Peace Building and Conflict resolution interventions

Peace building and improving the stability are paramount ingredients to Somalia’s sustainable development and conflict resolution interventions from grass root level is critically important for the country’s transitioning from fragility and decades of conflict.

Capacity Building/Education Support Program

SDWA will support vocational training centers that provide informal education and skill trainings for women and youth groups.

Somali Danish Women in Action is a member of the following Networks

SDWA Local Partners in Somalia

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